Julian Assange: Enemy of the State or Hero? (with Edward Snowden interview)

War crimes by the US army, surveillance methods by intelligence services or internal emails of top politicians – Julian Assange revealed all this with his whistleblower platform Wikileaks. The price he paid for this is high: Assange has been living cut off from the outside world for more than seven years – first in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, since 2019 in a British high-security prison. From Monday, 24 February 2020, a court in London will hear whether Julian Assange will be extradited to the USA. The US accuses Assange of espionage, among other things, through his revelations. He faces up to 175 years in prison. Does the USA want to finish Assange off with its action? Or is Assange a criminal who will rightly spend the rest of his life behind bars? In this CTRL_F episode you will learn everything you need to know about the complex Wikileaks case to make up your own mind.